Blog — American Samoa
Why Are There So Many Samoans in America?
American Samoa Samoans Samoans in America

Samoan immigration to the U.S. is a fascinating story involving history, work, family relationships and sports. Let's explore a few reasons why so many Samoans have chosen to settle in the US and also how our people have made an impactful mark in America. According to estimates from recent surveys conducted, it is estimated that there are approximately 243,682 Americans of Samoan descent residing in the US as of 2021. This includes people born both in American Samoa and its Independent State of Samoa as well as those with partial Samoan heritage. California has the largest Samoan population in...
Are Samoa and American Samoa the same?
American Samoa Are Samoa and American Samoa the same Samoa

"Muamua Le Atua": The Foundation of a Warrior Nation.
American Samoa Cannibals Missionaries Samoan Samoan Warrior Warriors Wayfinders

Today our guest blogger is Plumeria Hahn. Plumeria is a 21-year-old Samoan advocate for entrepreneurship in the Asian-Pacific Islander community, sharing content on Instagram, her blog, and eventually - YouTube. The past does not define who we are in the present, but our roots do play an immense role in the identity we forge for the future. Throughout the Samoan people's history, it seems that we were primarily known for a few staple characteristics, such as: Wayfinders. We were voyagers who travelled the world by sea and used the stars as our map! How cool is that? Thanks to the...
Meet the Makers: Part 5
American Samoa Kiwi Pacific Store melbourne Men's clothing Samoa Tanoa Samoa Toa Samoa women's clothing

Our fifth installment of our Meet the Makers series will be talking about the creators of our clothing and snap back caps, Tanoa Samoa. The tanoa is the traditional Samoan bowl that the ‘ava is prepared in. It is different to the bowls you will find around the Pacific as they have many legs around the bowl. The tanoa is culturally significant in Samoa as it is used during the customary ‘ava ceremony. It is no wonder that the tanoa is used as the name and logo of Tanoa Samoa, who are fast becoming a significant player in the retail...