Blog — Samoan Warrior
There is no such thing as Polynesia!
colonial mindset Irritable Samoan Polynesia Samoan Culture Samoan Warrior

Yes, you heard that right, there is no such thing as Polynesia. There are no distinct borders or landmarks that say you are now in Polynesia. The terms Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia are colonial terminology to group Pacific islanders into what colonists believe makes sense to them. Polynesia means many islands and refers to a 'group' that share several similar cultural aspects. Melanesia is a racist term that refers to the dark skin of people within that specific region. Micronesia refers to the smaller sized islands in that area. Do they mean anything about who we are as people? Does...
"Muamua Le Atua": The Foundation of a Warrior Nation.
American Samoa Cannibals Missionaries Samoan Samoan Warrior Warriors Wayfinders

Today our guest blogger is Plumeria Hahn. Plumeria is a 21-year-old Samoan advocate for entrepreneurship in the Asian-Pacific Islander community, sharing content on Instagram, her blog, and eventually - YouTube. The past does not define who we are in the present, but our roots do play an immense role in the identity we forge for the future. Throughout the Samoan people's history, it seems that we were primarily known for a few staple characteristics, such as: Wayfinders. We were voyagers who travelled the world by sea and used the stars as our map! How cool is that? Thanks to the...