Blog — learn Samoan online
The Modern Path to Reconnecting with Samoan Roots: On-Demand Cultural Learning
celebrate Samoan culture explore Samoan traditions learn Samoan online reconnecting with Samoan Roots

Imagine a streaming service dedicated to your heritage—a platform that lets you explore your Samoan roots anytime, anywhere. Sounds exciting, right?
greetings in Samoan learn Samoan learn Samoan online samoan samoan online samoan online course

Like many languages there are more than one way to say hello in Samoan. Here are 5 ways to greet someone in Samoan. Phrase 1 Talofa or Talofa Lava - Hello Phrase 2 Si o'u alofa - I greet you with love Phrase 3 Malo le soifua - Good health to you Phrase 4 Ua - what's up Phrase 5 Malo - Hi Comment if you can tell us other ways to greet in Samoan. To hear the pronunciations and full descriptions watch the video below
learn Samoan learn Samoan online samoan Samoan Culture samoan online Samoan phrases

Today we are sharing 5 Samoan phrases if you don't speak Samoan. If I can go to school and learn German and Spanish then anyone can learn Samoan. Our Learn Samoan series will help you to continue your Samoan journey whatever stage you are at. Phrase 1 E te iloa tautala faaperetania? Do you speak English? Phrase 2 Oute le iloa tautala faasamoa. I don't know how to speak Samoan. Phrase 3 Ua e malamalama? Do you understand? Phrase 4 Ua ou malamalama. I understand. Phrase 5 Oute le malamalama. I don't understand. To hear the audio and pronunciations of the...
Teach Your Child Samoan Online at Home
early childhood learning learn Samoan learn Samoan online Tamaiti teach Samoan teach Samoan at Home

Are you working from home and have children that need homeschooling or who can’t go to the babysitter (thank you COVID-19)? Do you ever just need a solid 2 hours to knock work out in peace a quiet? Do you feel guilty that one of the only ways to do this is to give your child screen time? There is no need to feel guilty anymore. Did you know that there are online platforms that can teach your children Samoan? So yes, they are using screens, but they are also learning valuable lessons about their Samoan language and culture. Here...